membership options

Golf is a fun and engaging sport for people of all ages. Futures Canterbury Hubs offer a membership to play at a number of local participating clubs, and we also offer a parent/guardian membership so the whole family can enjoy golf together.
Membership for those 13 years & under is $150 and for those aged 14 years + is $250 per year and provides the following benefits;
Membership to play at participating clubs in your local hub​
North-East Hub
Bottle Lake Golf Club
Hagley Golf Club
Rangiora Golf Club
Waimairi Beach Golf Club ( Membership Currently Full)
Selwyn Hub
Charteris Bay Golf Club
Ellesmere Golf Club
Greendale Golf Club
Hororata Golf Club
Lincoln Golf Club
McLeans Island Golf Club
Tai Tapu Golf Club
Templeton Golf Club
A branded welcome pack when you join
An official NZ Golf membership number​ and handicap
Regular events for young people and families
Subsidised learn and play opportunities and coaching programmes
Opportunities to play junior interclub for a nominated golf club in your hub
Please note, for those turning 19 within the next 12 months, in order to be able to join the Hub you will need to be 18 for a minimum of 6 months after joining. A pro-rata membership rate will be applied in those scenarios but won't include a welcome pack.
Parent/Guardian Membership
A parent/guardian membership is also available for an annual fee of $250. This membership provides off-peak access to play your local hub courses when playing with a young person who is a current member of a Futures Canterbury Hub. No green fee is payable at the participating courses. To encourage family participation, this membership is transferable between parents allowing one parent at any time to play with their child/children. Please note this membership does not include an NZ Golf membership number.
Family Membership
Our family membership provides an affordable opportunity for both parents and their children to get involved with golf. The annual fee is $750 and can be any combination of parents and children from the same family. This is a great option for those looking to join four or more family members.
Join Here
Joining is easy, just fill out the online membership form and we'll be in touch to get you started. For more information, check out our FAQ page or contact us.